Coding with DreamUp

Dream Up Code on Earth and in Space

Two Great Programs

DreamUp provides opportunities for learners of all ages to learn about STEM and space through real-world coding.

With Because Learning and DreamCoder, students can learn the fundamentals of coding, while interacting with real-world applications. Whether gathering data in their homes, classrooms, or on the International Space Station, these comprehensive programs make coding easy to do for teachers, students, and parents.

What kind of coding experience are you looking for?

Because Learning

Access 150+ easy-to-use, customizable lessons for one class or long-term exploration focusing on STEM subject areas including space, life science, chemistry, and more.

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Take your coding experience to the next level with a comprehensive, in-depth curriculum guiding students through running a Python coding project on the International Space Station.

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Wondering DreamUp coding program is the right fit for your learners? Let’s talk.