Get to know us

Our Team

Lauren Milord


Lauren Milord brings her belief that a learner’s early educational experiences can make or break their pathway to STEM. As Director of Programs for DreamUp, Lauren builds space-based educational programs and products that provide the opportunity for any learner worldwide to explore low-Earth orbit. Specifically, Lauren manages DreamUp’s entire program and product line including educational coding programs, science kits that replicate Space Station science, student microgravity research opportunities, and the development of country-wide microgravity competition opportunities with organizations such as NASA, the UAE Space Agency, and DLR. Prior to joining DreamUp, Lauren was Community Engagement Specialist in the Office of Engagement at Boston Public Schools, and Lauren earned her Bachelor of Arts in International Relations with a concentration in International Security at Tufts University. When she’s not inspiring dreamers, you can find Lauren Irish dancing wherever a good wooden floor can be found.

Favorite astronomical body: Comet 67P

A Cygnus launches!

Jeff Trotman

Technical Guru

Jeff loves building software applications and keeping up with the rapidly changing world of technology. Currently his work is focused on helping clients leverage the game-changing benefits of “the cloud”. His passion for technology education fits perfectly with the work DreamUp is doing. He has served as a volunteer high school computer science teacher as part of Microsoft’s TEALS program and continues to work on ways to improve computer technology education. He has degrees in Electrical Engineering and Finance from Auburn University and lives with his wife in Birmingham, AL. When he’s not in front of a computer, he’s probably at a baseball game or at the park with his dog.

Favorite astronomical body: Orion’s Belt

Ryan Gallagher

Curriculum Development Consultant

In addition to his curriculum consulting work with DreamUp, Ryan Gallagher supports teachers and pre-service teachers as a researcher and STEM instructional lead in San Diego. In this role, he coaches continuous improvement projects within K-12 schools; co-facilitates a networked improvement community focused on college, career, and civic readiness; and directs the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Early Implementation Initiative. Ryan taught middle and high school from 2004 to 2017 and co-designed and facilitated a MOOC on Deeper Learning. He recently facilitated improvement workshops at the Carnegie Summit and the Deeper Learning Conference, among others. Ryan holds undergraduate degrees in Biology and Philosophy from UC San Diego. He was a proud member of the Distinguished Educators Panel at the Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center and the California Science Expert Panel that made revisions and recommendations for California adoption of NGSS. In his free time, Ryan enjoys spending time with his kids, future astronauts Luke and Grace.

Favorite astronomical body: Ever since Spirit and Oppy sent their panorama pictures of Mars, the Red Planet has been Ryan’s favorite celestial body.

Ryan Gallagher